Parade of sports stars at the MANLIO SCOPIGNO and FELICE PULICI awards
Among the winners Gianluigi Buffon, Marco Tardelli, Fabio Pecchia, Gabriele Gravina
New Manlio Scopigno journalistic award to Melli, Rossi and Marchetti
Greetings from a distance from Ciro Immobile, Scopigno Award as the best player in Serie A 2021-2022

The ceremony for the delivery of the MANLIO SCOPIGNO and FELICE PULICI 2021/2022 Awards took place this morning at the hall of honor of the C.O.N.I. in Rome, welcomed by the President of CONI Giovanni Malagò who made the prestigious location available.
They presented together with the president of the ASD Scopigno Cup Fabrizio Formichetti and the Honorary President of the Scopigno Cup Gianni Letta, the journalist of Rai Sport Marco Lollobrigida and the journalist Greta Beccaglia.

“Today with the Scopigno – Pulici prizes the circle of Scopigno Cup 2022 events closes – said the President of ASD Scopigno Cup Fabrizio Formichetti – Manlio Scopigno has revolutionized the game of football, has introduced the figure of the psychologist and the athletic trainer. Felice Pulici we all remember him for his human abilities “.

“The spirit of Scopigno is to promote the values ​​of sport for young people, a great service to the nation because it helps to rediscover a sense of social cohesion in the community”, affirmed the Honorary President of Scopigno Cup Gianni Letta.

The President of CONI Gianni Malagò greeted those present and the winners: “The Scopigno Cup is an amateur association, no profit, they are the heart and spine of our whole world. Pulici and Scopigno have been the standard bearers of sport and they would still be today “.

Two news for next year for the Scopigno Cup and the Scopigno – Pulici awards.
– The title of the award for the best player of the Scopigno Cup to Diego Armando Maradona;
– The naming of a journalistic award in memory of Roberto Renga.

The complete ceremony can be reviewed here:

The list of winners

BEST SERIES A COACH: Davide Nicola, who spoke via videoconference: “An award makes me proud and aware of the work we did last year. Scopigno also played in Salerno and this also gratifies me further ”.
MOTIVATION: In Salerno, where Manlio Scopigno gave his best as a player, Davide Nicola accomplished one of his specialties: the impossible mission. After the promotion to Serie A with Livorno, the miraculous salvation with Crotone, here is the one, perhaps even more difficult, with Salernitana.

BEST SERIES B COACH: Fabio Pecchia awarded by Giorgio Annis, CEO of CRAI Tirreno and by Gianni Letta.
“I am very excited for this recognition and I thank the jury” said Pecchia who also focused on his experience with Buffon.
MOTIVATION: For having dispensed wisdom, first on the pitch as a player and now as a coach, offering a good game, obtaining victories and bringing a historic club like Cremonese back to Serie A. A gentleman Mr. Pecchia, indeed Dr. Fabio Pecchia.

BEST YOUTH SECTOR DIRECTOR: Roberto Samaden awarded by Luigi Boccia teamwear and Sponsorship Manager of Umbro Italia
“The work in the youth sector that s is that of many people – said Samad– I believe that the work of amateur clubs that make young talents grow is also very important”
MOTIVATION: To Roberto Samaden because for years he has cultivated, built and trained, as men even before players, the best talents of our most loved sport. If Inter’s youth sector is a jewel, the merit goes above all to him.

MANAGER OF THE YEAR: Walter Sabatini collected the Pietro Bergamini award: Amedeo Goria and Pietro Maglioni of Ritec awarded
MOTIVATION: For having looked for, new Ulysses, always something beyond the horizon, first by finding and then transforming strangers into champions and for salvation with Salernitana, the last, for now, miracle of his career. When is the next one?

SPECIAL CAREER AWARD: Manlio Scopigno and Felice Pulici
“For the image of Italy in the world” To the PRESIDENT F.I.G.C. Dr. GABRIELE GRAVINA
“The dream is one of the most beautiful moments of our life – said Gravina – Italy dreams not only when it hits sporting goals but also through the path that leads to victory. We invest in the ability to be together, in a coexistence project made of respect and sharing “
MOTIVATION: From the miracle of Castel di Sangro, of which he was the very young president, to the roof of Europe. President, please don’t stop giving us dreams!

SPECIAL CAREER AWARD MANLIO SCOPIGNO and FELICE PULICI “For the image of Italy in the world” to Gianluigi Buffon awarded by the President of the Italian Golf Federation Franco Chimenti.
“To feed a certain passion, a certain desire and a dream – Buffon said – you need to know the history of sport and de

its interpreters to find energy that you didn’t even think you had ”.
MOTIVATION: To Gianluigi Buffon and his endless career. Champion as a kid and champion forever. His hands are still holding tightly to the 2006 World Cup. An icon of National and International football, one of the strongest goalkeepers ever.

SPECIAL CAREER AWARD MANLIO SCOPIGNO and FELICE PULICI “For the image of Italy in the world” to Marco Tardelli awarded by Giorgio Annis CEO of CRAI
“If we are rewarded it is also thanks to those who have left us and built sporting results together with us” said Marco Tardelli thanking the organization.
MOTIVATION: Because after 40 years his scream is still mundial and still echoes in the Santiago Bernabeu. The most complete midfielder ever.

SPECIAL CAREER AWARD MANLIO SCOPIGNO and FELICE PULICI to Diego Armando Maradona: he received the Diego Armando Maradona Jr. award awarded by Eleonora Rossi
“It is a great emotion to represent my father here – said Maradona Jr. – Since our father passed away, the responsibility of representing him at best has fallen upon us. Our mission is to remember the man: Dad was a wonderful person that we miss so much “.
MOTIVATION: Words are useless, we all know it much: Diego Armando Maradona, he is the greatest player ever!

SPECIAL CAREER AWARD MANLIO SCOPIGNO and FELICE PULICI “For the image of Italy in the world” to Paolo Rossi
Spouse Federica Cappelletti intervened and thanked the organization and the jury in a video message.
MOTIVATION: To the most famous Italian sportsman abroad. Paolorossi, written and said in one breath. Paolorossi your name shouted to the world. Paolorossi nightmare of a people, the Brazilians. Paolorossi symbol of the Italian national team.


HAPPY PULICI CAREER AWARD to Giancarlo Oddi: awarded Deputy Mayor and Sports Councilor of the Municipality of Rieti Chiara Mestichelli
“We spent a lot of time together with Felice Pulici – said Oddi – he was a great man and a great goalkeeper”
MOTIVATION: Because, together with Pulici, the protagonist of one of the most impervious defenses in the history of Italian football. Symbol of Lazio and of an ancient role, the stopper, interpreted with rudeness but always with loyalty.

HAPPY PULICI CAREER AWARD to Giovanni Bertini, his daughter Benedetta Bertini received the award, Alessandro Tantulli awarded
“Felice Pulici was an example of life for me – said Benedetta Bertini – When my father had ALS and they were evicting him, Pulici and Viola from that moment on did everything they could for my father. For me it means a lot to be here ”.
MOTIVATION: he was a physically strong central defender, with great personality and human skills, in 2016 he was diagnosed with ALS, and in 2019, unfortunately he died, leaving a deep void in all those who had the opportunity to know and appreciate him.

MANLIO SCOPIGNO CAREER JOURNALIST AWARD to Franco Melli awarded Gianni Letta and Massimo Maestrelli
“Scopigno was an incredible character: from a footballing point of view he was the coach who saw best from the bench – Melli said – Pulici was an example of honesty and generosity”.
MOTIVATION: To Franco Melli, friend of Manlio Scopigno, and witness and singer of a football that is no longer there, told with passion and competence. Thank you for sixty years dedicated to informing readers.

MOTIVATION: To Silio Rossi for his work as a journalist and writer. A point of reference for the youngest, an example to follow.

Awarded by Andrea Abodi and Gabriele Pulici
“I am honored to have received it, I want to thank the jury and the organization for associated sport to humanity of Scopigno and Pulici” said Marchetti
MOTIVATION: Fabrizio Marchetti is an example of how a press office should be run today: great interpersonal skills, intelligence, competence and patience.

Greetings from Ciro Immobile, Scopigno Award as the best player in Serie A 2021-2022
“Hello everyone, I regret not being able to be present at the ceremony this morning and not being able to collect on this occasion the prestigious prize that the jury awarded me. I apologize to the organizers but, as you know, I am away to Florence with the team ahead of tonight’s game.
It is an honor for me to obtain this historic recognition which of course I share with all my teammates who support me every day allowing me to achieve great personal goals like this.
I dedicate it to them and our fans who are extraordinary and always follow us, both at home and away, like today.”

“With the support of all

at the 30th edition of the Scopigno Cup – declared Michele Attivissimo Retail Commercial Director of the Lazio and Abruzzo Regional Directorate of Intesa Sanpaolo – our Group confirms its commitment to sport, to demonstrate its attention to the value of sport for a healthy growth of the younger generations. “

The event also sees the high patronage of the European Parliament, carried out with the contribution of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department of Sport and Enit and the support of the Ministry of Tourism, of the Lazio Region and the sponsorship of prestigious partners such as: Crai, Intesa San Paolo, Algida, Poste Italiane, Varrone Foundation, Ri.Tec, Arexons and Umbro and Sixtus as technical supplier.