From the 2021/2022 season, the jury of the Scopigno and Pulici Awards will also include Dino Zoff

This morning in Milanello, ASD Scopigno Cup president Fabrizio Formichetti, presented the Manlio Scopigno “Manager of the year” Award to Paolo Maldini, Technical Area Director of AC Milan.

This is the motivation expressed by the jury: “After having made the history of Milan, the national team and football on the pitch, he is proving to be a great manager. As a player he was one of the best defenders in history, initially exalting as a fluidifying full-back, a role invented by Scopigno in Vicenza with Savoini. As technical director of the Rossoneri club he was able to combine excellent sporting results with prudent and far-sighted economic management. He was a fundamental point of reference for the rebirth of Milan, to write a new episode of an endless saga “.

From the 2021/2022 season the jury of the Scopigno and Pulici Awards is enriched with new members: there will also be Dino Zoff, Federico Buffa (Sky), Alessandro Alciato (Amazon).

“As President of the ASD Scopigno Cup which organizes the Manlio Scopigno and Felice Pulici Awards, I was proud to present this award to Maldini – explains Fabrizio Formichetti – Paolo is a character who perfectly embodies the values ​​we intend to promote both with the Scopigno Cup and with the Scopigno and Pulici awards “.

With a view to promoting the territory and its excellence, Paolo Maldini was also given the typical products of Amatrice of the companies: Sano, Amatrice Historic Dairy and Amatrice Terra Viva.

The jury made up of prestigious names in sports journalism and former footballers, including the President Roberto Beccantini, Xavier Jacobelli (Director of Tuttosport), Andrea Di Caro (Deputy Director of Gazzetta dello Sport), Ivan Zazzaroni (Director Corriere dello Sport and Guerin Sportivo), Enrico Varriale (Deputy Director of Rai Sport), Angelo Peruzzi, Stefano Orsini (Head of Services, TGR Lazio sports manager), Stefano Agresti (Director of, Federica Cappelletti, Nando Orsi, Paolo Condò ( Sky Journalist), Ilario Di Giovambattista (Director of Radio Radio), Marco Amelia (former football player and columnist), Fabrizio Formichetti (President Asd SCOPIGNO CUP), Alfredo Pedullà (Gazzetta dello Sport), Pietro Pinelli (Mediaset), Francesco Vergovich (Radio Radio), Emiliano Grillotti (Director of Rieti Life), Marco Ferroni (Il Messaggero) and many others.